April 29-1907-Monday
To-day I have enjoyed very much. Our train, which is going over the Denver and Rio Grande route, is five hours late. This threw us at the best time in the canyons of Grand River , Little Grand River, and the Colorado River , which are noted for their scenery. I, with the other boys, took the parlor car through the canyons and enjoyed the ride fine. For comforts sake we arranged for a sleeper tonight.
April 30-1907-Tuesday
About seven a.m. we were awakened in Denver , Colorado , where we had been resting for several hours. The weather was cold, but having a nine hour wait, we “took in the town”. Denver left a good impression on me. I rather like the city. It is clean. At 4:35P.M we took the Burlington Limited from the Denver Union Depot, and are now on our way further east. Our party from Salt Lake City to Chicago consisted of: E.B Harris- A.B. Worsley, Geo. M. Taylor- Geo. Stahili and myself.
May 1-1907- Wednesday
We passed through Burlington and Omaha Neb. and entered Chicago at 8:45P.M. The ride from Denver was fine and we saw a great deal. We did not take sleepers during this run so we were all very tired when we entered Chicago and therefore went to bed early. We slept in two bedrooms with a bath and toilet connected, at the Majestic Hotel. In each state and principal city I have sent leather and picture post cars home and to Emma.
May 2 1907- Thursday Today we visited, together, Lincoln Park and arranged for further transportation. Taylor and Worsely here left us and I hunted up cousin Geo. D. Parkinson who is attending the University of Chicago . We visited together the Chicago University grounds, the Montgomery Ward tower, and the City Free Library. The University grounds were very beautiful. The tower is the highest in Chicago going up 25 stories or 394 feet, and affords a very fine view of the city and lakes.
(Tallest building in Chicago in 1907- shown through the years.)
The Library is built of gray granite lined with white marble and decorated in the inside with mother-of-pearl in various colors. The reading rooms are large and well equipped with all kinds of reading matter. There is also a small museum in connection with the library.
Geo. and I here left the boys and went back to the university where I stayed with him for the night. Before retiring, however we paid Aunt Nettie and Hazel a short visit. Preston Nibley and George have rooms together so we had lots of fun.
(Chicago's State Street in 1907)